


For even more clarity and alignment of your personal brand with your true innerself, I've developed an astro-branding consultation.

Astrology is a big passion of mine, as it acts as a navigator, allowing to see the personal strengths, talents as well as carrier & business opportunities. It’s a perfect tool to understand the personality and to find the way to express its superpowers.

This consultation helps you to gain confidence about branding or rebranding of your business, to see how to build trust and connect with your soul customers and to evolve your business by showing up the true version of yourself.

/ Star-power your image

Personal branding meets style ystylematters



What to expect?

/the process


I analyse your natal chart and give you advice on positioning your business, based on your strengths, values and opportunities.


I help you to refine the vision of your personal brand.


I give you an advice how to build your communication and which tone of voice would suit you the best to express yourself


I propose you the visual strategy that suits 100% your personal brand. You will discover the style and aesthetics that are aligned with you.
Who is this consultation for?
How does it work?

For personal brands and business owners, that are launching their brand or considering a rebranding. For any entrepreneur that is interested to get not only a marketing advise, but to go even further and starpower their business.

01 step
For this service I need your date, time and place of birth.
02 step
We have a chat, where we review your request in order to get the maximum use of the consultation and to focus on the most important points.
03 step
You fill the questionnaire.
Price: 90 min / 280.- chf

book here

book here

04 step
In 5-7 working days we set an appointment for a consultation via zoom or telephone, followed by a .pdf file with the main bullet points and visual board.
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